Join us in protecting our beautiful local landscape from pointless devastation by EDF

“This [proposal] in no way compensates for the enormous loss to the environment and ecosystem.”

“Proposed measures wont replace the lost fish” Dr David Lambert

You can help protect the Pawlett Hams by sending your comments via email, online or by post, click the button below to find out how your actions can have the biggest impact

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Help protect our wildlife

Every single photo on this website (except the bleak mud flats) was taken on the Pawlett Hams by people that love the landscape as much as you. Click below to learn just some of the species that call the Hams home, and whose habitats will be destroyed by EDF’s proposals. Your voice matters, and together we can oppose this threat.

Local resident:

“EDF are practicing eco terrorism of the highest order”

Local Resident:

“Why would EDF want to destroy so much beauty for some barren mud?”